Literature relating to Trinidad and Tobago
is a list of all the papers CCARO has collected relating to cetaceans in
Trinidad and Tobago. We are currently requesting permission to link to the
actual papers so hopefully you will have access to them soon. Species Distribution IFAW Preliminary
Report on the IFAW Song of the Whale Caribbean Project, January-April 2006 Song
of the Whale Team 2006 A
Report on Cetacean Research Conducted by the International Fund for Animal
Welfare (IFAW) off Guadeloupe, Dominica, Martinique, Grenada and Tobago from 12
January to 30 March 2000 Oliver
Boisseau, Carole Carlson and Irene Seipt, 2000 Observations
of small cetaceans in the Eastern Caribbean Oliver
Boisseau, Russell Leaper, Anna Moscrop, NOAA
and Acoustic Survey Of Humpback Whales (Megaptera novaeangliae) in the
Eastern and Southern Caribbean Sea: Preliminary Findings Steven L. Swartz, Anthony Martinez, Tim Cole, Phillip J. Clapham, Mark A. McDonald, John A. Hildebrand, Erin M. Oleson, Carolyn Burks and Jay Barlow NOAA
Technical Memorandum NMFS-SEFSC-456, 2001 Cruise
Results, Windwards Humpback Survey, NOAA Ship Gordon Gunther Cruise GU-00-01
(06) NOAA,
2000 Conservation Nathalie
Ward and Anna Moscrop **Distribution
and Status of Marine Mammals of the Wider Caribbean Region: An Update on UNEP
Documents Randall R. Reeves, 2005 Cetaceans of Venezuela, Their Distribution and Conservation Status Aldemaro
Romero, A. Ignacio Agudo, Steven M. Green and Guiseppe Notarbartolo di Sciara NOAA
Technical Report NMFS 151, 2001
Issues **A Review
of Fisheries By-Catch of Marine Mammals in the Wider Caribbean Region Jamie
Bolaños-Jiménez and Lorenzo Rojas-Bracho, 2005 Cetaceans
and Gillnet Fisheries in Mexico, Central America and the Wider Caribbean: A
Preliminary Review Omar Vidal, Koen Van Waerebeek and Lloyd T.
Findley, 1994 Rep. Int.
Whal. Commn (Special Issue 15), 1994
of Whaling in Trinidad and Tobago Randall R. Reeves, Jalaludin A. Khan, Randi R. Olsen, Steven L. Swartz and Tim D. Smith J. Cetacean Res. Manage. 3(1):45-54, 2001 Historical
occurence and distribution of humpback whales in the eastern and southern
Caribbean Sea, based on datat from American whaling logbooks Randall R. Reeves, Steven L. Swarts, Sara E. Wetmore and Phillip J. Clapham J.
Cetacean Res Mange, 3(2): 117-129, 2001
History of Marine Mammal Exploitation in Trinidad and Tobago, W.I. and its
Ecological Impact Aldemaro Romero, Ruth Baker, Joel E. Creswell, Anuradha Singh, Annabelle McKie and Michael Manna Environment
and History 8 (2002): 255-74 **Socio-economic
Assessment of Marine Mammal Utilization in the Wider Caribbean Region:
Captivity, Viewing and Hunting Courtney
S. Vail, 2005 Incidents involving Whales in Trinidad waters during 1987 Tessa Ottley, Christine Henry, Ahmad Khan, Avril Siung-Chang and Maxwell Sturm Living World, 1987-88 * Report from the Fourth Meeting of the Interim Scientific and Technical Advisory Committee (ISTAC) to the Protocol Concerning Specially Protected Areas and Wildlife (SPAW) in the Wider Caribbean Region (Havana, Cuba 3-6 August 1999) | Want to Help? If you know of any other papers related to cetaceans in Trinidad and Tobago please let us know.