Project Updates Project 1: Public Knowledge Assessment 1 Project still on going.Project 2: Creation of Cetacean Species Fact Sheets Work continues on the creation of species fact sheets and information is being uploaded onto the website at present. It is expected that the information should be available to the public by the end of April. There are still several more fact sheets to complete so if you are still interested to help or know someone who may be, feel free to check our project page for more information, or to volunteer for this project. Project 3: Boat-based Cetacean Surveys Every month, until July 2010, CCARO has been given the opportunity to join CFCA on their offshore bird surveys around Saut d'Eau Island and Soldado Rock so that we can do some whale and dolphin surveys in those areas. IIf you remember, we were having some very speedy transit journeys to and from the island sanctuaries but the Coast Guard has slowed our transit trips to and from the islands to a speed more condusive to cetacean observations. This, combined with more sheltered waters and perhaps a change in survey route resulted in our first dolphin sighting for this series of surveys. Saut d'Eau Island This month, our Saut d'Eau survey was posponed due to the rough seas on the North Coast and CFCA's interest in looking at the birds on several of the islands off the north east penninusla. Instead of looking at Saut d'Eau we took a look at Chacachacare, Monos, Huevos and Gasparillo (Centipi) Island. This change of route resulted in our first dolphin sighting for this series of surveys. A group of about 5 animals was spotted off the island of Chacachacare. They dove almost immediately and dispite our searching, were not seen again. From the colour, general appearance and our knowledge of the species in this area, they were most likely bottlenose dolphins but as the observation only lasted about 3 seconds, the species identiy was not confirmed. No other cetacean sightings were made for this trip. Soldado Rock This month observations were made from the coast guard vessel as well as from the peak of Soldado Rock which affords a much wider view of the surrounding ocean. No cetaceans were seen but further casual interviews with the Coast Guard men indicated that dolphins have been seen around the island in fairly large groups as well as in the more sheltered Cedros bays. We were also told that the presence of the dolphins may be in response to the movement of a certain species of fish called 'red sardine' by local fishermen. These fish are expected to turn up in the next couple of months, so we will keep looking out for the dolphins following them and perhaps on some of the longer trips planned by CFCA we may have a better chance to make some sightings. For more information, or to volunteer for this project, check out our project page.
| Volunteer Opportunities Administering questionnaires Data entry Boat-based Cetacean Surveys Data entry ________________________________ Donations Welcome! If you would like to donate any of the items on our wish list please contact us to make arrangements. Our Wish List Printed Contact Information Cards Boat driving lessons (beginner) 2.5" Parallel ATA (IDE) hard drive MP3/ digital recorder with a 1/4" or 1/8" microphone input Contact: ____________________________________ Thank You! Thanks to all of you who volunteered to help with our projects in March 2010. Thanks to all of you who sent in information, pictures and video of local whales. Exciting stuff!
Have you Seen a Whale or Dolphin around Trinidad or Tobago?
Information about the whales and dolphins you see can help us to determine what species live in or visit our waters and what areas around Trinidad and Tobago are most important to them for feeding, mating or calving (giving birth). Please report your sightings of whales or dolphins to CCARO or send us your photographs or video clips of local whales and dolphins, to help us to better understand local cetaceans. Information about sightings of whales or dolphins in the water around Trinidad and Tobago, or strandings of whales or dolphins on the coast, can be reported through the links below.
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