Public Knowledge Assessment 1
Project Name: Public Knowledge Assessment 1 Project Number: 1 Related Programme: Developing
the Desire & Ability to Protect Nature Project Description:
This project aims at assessing the public's current knowledge of cetaceans and their existence here in Trinidad and Tobago by giving short quizes to individuals across Trinidad (when we have the resources we will do a similar project in Tobago). This project also has an educational aspect as we will be giving explanations and answers to the questions at the end of each quiz and also directing people to this website where they can learn more. The assessment will allow us to better understand what CCARO's educational programmes need to focus on and also will help us to determine if our education is having the desired effect by allowing us to compare the results of this first assessment to a second assessment given some time after our education programme has been underway. Project Objectives:
Measure of Success:
Volunteers We need volunteers to do the following: Administer Questionnaires You will be asked to choose 1 or more areas in which you will be doing surveys. You will then be given the material you will need (questionnaire sheets, answer sheets and educational material) and a short instructional talk about administering the questionnaires (which includes the educational aspect as well) before you begin. You will then go out and do your questionnaires over the next week or two and return them to us for databasing and analysis. Database Information You will be emailed a number of completed questionnaire forms
along with an empty copy of this project's excel database. You will then enter
the information from the forms into the database and email the database back to
us. We will then compile all the information into one database for analysis.
| Project Status: In Progress Start Date: 8th Nov 2009 End Date: 31st March 2010 ___________________ Updates Project duration extended to March 5% of Questionnaires Completed ___________________ Volunteer Now! ___________________Help needed to do questionnaire interviews and data entry. Read the project page (left) for details. Can you help us do surveys in any of these areas?